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Privilege Web Tool


Privilege Web Tool

A tool to help you know your privileges, how they negatively impact others, and how to turn them into powers to help others.

The Privilege Web Tool


The Privilege Web defines key privileges and allows you to mark yourself against each one, and by doing so map the hypothetical size of your privilege in the world.

The Privilege Web is based on the great power literacy work of Maya Goodwill in her Field Guide to Power Literacy. It’s a tool to learn about the different types of privileges by mapping the size of your overall privilege.

This exercise can feel quite confronting and personal for some. People who have used this have felt guilty about how much privilege they have, while others are saddened by how little they have. This is why it’s an important exercise because it helps us think about things that have great impact but are easier not to think about.

The exercise may also be difficult and/or dangerous depending on where you live in the world. For example, one privilege you’ll be asked about is your sexuality and gender, as heterosexual cis people have the most privilege. As a gay man myself, I understand people may not be ready to share this sexuality at this stage in their lives. Also, in some countries, homosexuality, being transgender, etc, is punishable by prison time, social outcasting, and/or death. So if you have to, for any reason, don’t declare that on the tool to maintain your privacy and safety, and you will still be able to see in your mind the privilege difference, and you can keep it to yourself.


Privileges are the unearned, identity-based benefits we inherit just by being part of one group and are enjoyed at the expense of others. The more privileged we are, the more unaware we can be, so knowing our place in the world can allow us to use our privileges to help the less privileged and rebalance equity.

The fact that this exercise can be confronting and/or dangerous shows just how much privilege for some can so negatively impact others.

A tool to help you know your privileges, how they negatively impact others, and how to turn them into powers to help others.

The Privilege Web Tool


The Privilege Web defines key privileges and allows you to mark yourself against each one, and by doing so map the hypothetical size of your privilege in the world.

The Privilege Web is based on the great power literacy work of Maya Goodwill in her Field Guide to Power Literacy. It’s a tool to learn about the different types of privileges by mapping the size of your overall privilege.

This exercise can feel quite confronting and personal for some. People who have used this have felt guilty about how much privilege they have, while others are saddened by how little they have. This is why it’s an important exercise because it helps us think about things that have great impact but are easier not to think about.

The exercise may also be difficult and/or dangerous depending on where you live in the world. For example, one privilege you’ll be asked about is your sexuality and gender, as heterosexual cis people have the most privilege. As a gay man myself, I understand people may not be ready to share this sexuality at this stage in their lives. Also, in some countries, homosexuality, being transgender, etc, is punishable by prison time, social outcasting, and/or death. So if you have to, for any reason, don’t declare that on the tool to maintain your privacy and safety, and you will still be able to see in your mind the privilege difference, and you can keep it to yourself.


Privileges are the unearned, identity-based benefits we inherit just by being part of one group and are enjoyed at the expense of others. The more privileged we are, the more unaware we can be, so knowing our place in the world can allow us to use our privileges to help the less privileged and rebalance equity.

The fact that this exercise can be confronting and/or dangerous shows just how much privilege for some can so negatively impact others.


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Damien Lutz, author of The Non-human Persona Guide, The Life-centred Design Guide, and Future Scouting

We replenish what we use

A percentage of profits from design guides by Damien Lutz are donated to to replace the trees used to create the books

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This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
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To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

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More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

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Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

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Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
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Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

Page accessibility rating
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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

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I am the voice of the trees who were taken to make the product I speak from.

We, the trees, gave shade, clean air, homes for countless creatures, and the gift of oxygen for you to breathe. We cooled the earth, held the soil, and stored the carbon that would have otherwise harmed you.

Now, as a user of this product, you are part of this legacy, and a custodian of the things we once were. 

I ask you to honor the role we played for your planet. Where we are taken, help new trees rise, and protect those who still stand tall. Nurture them as they nurture you, for your future is rooted in our regeneration.

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