Prompt cards for innovating products and businesses to be more planet-friendly

Life-centred Design Prompt Cards
For innovating products and businesses to be more planet-friendly
Learn and innovate
Learn, innovate, in-person and online
Printed Decks

Printed Decks on 100% Recycled Card for in-person workshops
Loaded with information

Solution examples on all prompt cards, with QR codes linking to additional helpful resources
A deck for Digital Design
A deck for Industrial Design
Printed Decks

Printed Decks on 100% Recycled Card for in-person workshops
Online Decks & Tool

Online Decks with additional LCD content embedded in an online workshop facilitation tool
Loaded with information

Solution examples on all prompt cards, with QR codes linking to additional helpful resources
Learn and innovate
Learn, innovate, in-person and online
Printed Decks

Printed Decks on 100% Recycled Card for in-person workshops
Loaded with information

Solution examples on all prompt cards, with QR codes linking to additional helpful resources
A deck for Digital Design
A deck for Industrial Design
Printed Decks

Printed Decks on 100% Recycled Card for in-person workshops
Online Decks & Tool

Online Decks with additional LCD content embedded in an online workshop facilitation tool
Loaded with information

Solution examples on all prompt cards, with QR codes linking to additional helpful resources
All Decks
- All
- For Digital Design
- For Industrial Design
Life-centred Industrial Design Innovation Cards
Innovate industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 45-card deck includes:
40 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 14 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 14 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 12 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Digital Design Innovation Cards
Innovate digital products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 35-card deck includes:
30 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 10 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 10 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 10 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Design Innovation Card Bundle (Digital Design and Industrial Design)
Innovate digital and industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 2-deck bundle includes:
- The Industrial Design Innovation Deck with 40 x design and business strategy prompts
- The Digital Design Innovation Deck with 30 x design and business strategy prompts
Both Decks include:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership (per customer)
All prompt cards come with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
All Decks
- All
- Uncategorized
- Books
- Downloadable
- Toolkits
- Innovation Cards
- For Digital Design
- For Industrial Design
Planet-friendly E-commerce Design Guide
Enable planet-friendlier online shopping with these impactful behavioural design tips
This 12-page PDF of powerful behavioural and UX design strategies is a guide for UX Designers to enable sustainable online shopping choices using behavioural design.
The insights were developed from the following:
- An analysis of 7 behavioural UX approaches encouraging sustainable purchases
- Testing several insights via a design evolution of one of Australia’s main supermarket’s online store
Life-centred Industrial Design Innovation Cards
Innovate industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 45-card deck includes:
40 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 14 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 14 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 12 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Digital Design Innovation Cards
Innovate digital products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 35-card deck includes:
30 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 10 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 10 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 10 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Design Innovation Card Bundle (Digital Design and Industrial Design)
Innovate digital and industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 2-deck bundle includes:
- The Industrial Design Innovation Deck with 40 x design and business strategy prompts
- The Digital Design Innovation Deck with 30 x design and business strategy prompts
Both Decks include:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership (per customer)
All prompt cards come with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Holistic Design Toolkit
A life-centred design toolkit to include the environment, animals, under-represented people, and future impacts in design-thinking
As designers and product creators, we are not just producing items with a lifecycle defined by human use. We are releasing into the world something that impacts multiple ecosystems spanning the time and distance of the product’s entire lifecycle, from the sourcing of its various materials to the manufacturing, repair, life of use, and final breakdown.
The Holistic Design Toolkit helps designers and decision-makers include the environment and invisible humans in design thinking and speculative design
Holistic Futures Wheel
A decision-making and idea-exploring tool to explore the consequences of a change, like a product design or business decision that might impact humans and nature.
Product Lifecycle Impact Cards
This deck of cards consists of six sections that follow the true lifecycle of a product, from where and how Materials are sourced, through the Manufacturing, Supply, and Use stages, through to what happens at the Completion of its usable life, and the actual Breakdown of its parts back into the natural world.
You can use these cards to guide the design of new products or to assess the impact of existing ones.
You can also use these in conjunction with the Holistic Futures Wheel to help generate results for the LIFE direct/indirect results.
Non-human, non-user, and user personas
Persona documents to represent those impacted by the product lifecycle, to give them a voice in design and business decisions.
Core Values List
A tool to help you consider and identify your own values to champion in design and help you envision the future you want to design.
“Life-centred Design In Nature” Workshop Kit
A nature-immersive workshop you can use to teach your team, class, or clients how to design for more than human needs using non-human personas. This 23-page Workshop Kit PDF includes:
Facilitator Guide
- About the Workshop
- Workshop Agenda
- Workshop Map
- Preparation
- In-nature Rules
- Facilitating Instructions
- Sensory Environmental Connection Exercise
Participant Toolkit
- In-nature Rules
- Life-centred Design Mission
- Workshop Map
- Mini Ecosystem Study Canvas
- Mini LCD Brainstorm Canvas
- Mini LCD Proposal Canvas
- LCD Workflow Brainstorm Canvas
All decks
- All
- For Digital Design
- For Industrial Design
Life-centred Industrial Design Innovation Cards
Innovate industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 45-card deck includes:
40 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 14 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 14 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 12 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Digital Design Innovation Cards
Innovate digital products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 35-card deck includes:
30 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 10 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 10 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 10 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Design Innovation Card Bundle (Digital Design and Industrial Design)
Innovate digital and industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 2-deck bundle includes:
- The Industrial Design Innovation Deck with 40 x design and business strategy prompts
- The Digital Design Innovation Deck with 30 x design and business strategy prompts
Both Decks include:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership (per customer)
All prompt cards come with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
All decks
- All
- Uncategorized
- Books
- Downloadable
- Toolkits
- Innovation Cards
- For Digital Design
- For Industrial Design
Planet-friendly E-commerce Design Guide
Enable planet-friendlier online shopping with these impactful behavioural design tips
This 12-page PDF of powerful behavioural and UX design strategies is a guide for UX Designers to enable sustainable online shopping choices using behavioural design.
The insights were developed from the following:
- An analysis of 7 behavioural UX approaches encouraging sustainable purchases
- Testing several insights via a design evolution of one of Australia’s main supermarket’s online store
Life-centred Industrial Design Innovation Cards
Innovate industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 45-card deck includes:
40 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 14 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 14 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 12 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Digital Design Innovation Cards
Innovate digital products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 35-card deck includes:
30 x design and business strategy prompts across three categories:
- 10 x Sustainable and Regenerative strategies (Environmental)
- 10 x Inclusive and Pluriversal strategies (Social)
- 10 x Responsible and Aligned strategies (Governance)
Each prompt card comes with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Also includes:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership
Life-centred Design Innovation Card Bundle (Digital Design and Industrial Design)
Innovate digital and industrial products and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive
This 2-deck bundle includes:
- The Industrial Design Innovation Deck with 40 x design and business strategy prompts
- The Digital Design Innovation Deck with 30 x design and business strategy prompts
Both Decks include:
- 4 x LCD Framework introduction cards
- 1 x Non-human Shareholder Card
- 1 x Free LCD Lab Website Membership (per customer)
All prompt cards come with:
- A unique life-centred design or business strategy prompt
- A solution example for each strategy
- A QR code linking to helpful resources
Holistic Design Toolkit
A life-centred design toolkit to include the environment, animals, under-represented people, and future impacts in design-thinking
As designers and product creators, we are not just producing items with a lifecycle defined by human use. We are releasing into the world something that impacts multiple ecosystems spanning the time and distance of the product’s entire lifecycle, from the sourcing of its various materials to the manufacturing, repair, life of use, and final breakdown.
The Holistic Design Toolkit helps designers and decision-makers include the environment and invisible humans in design thinking and speculative design
Holistic Futures Wheel
A decision-making and idea-exploring tool to explore the consequences of a change, like a product design or business decision that might impact humans and nature.
Product Lifecycle Impact Cards
This deck of cards consists of six sections that follow the true lifecycle of a product, from where and how Materials are sourced, through the Manufacturing, Supply, and Use stages, through to what happens at the Completion of its usable life, and the actual Breakdown of its parts back into the natural world.
You can use these cards to guide the design of new products or to assess the impact of existing ones.
You can also use these in conjunction with the Holistic Futures Wheel to help generate results for the LIFE direct/indirect results.
Non-human, non-user, and user personas
Persona documents to represent those impacted by the product lifecycle, to give them a voice in design and business decisions.
Core Values List
A tool to help you consider and identify your own values to champion in design and help you envision the future you want to design.
“Life-centred Design In Nature” Workshop Kit
A nature-immersive workshop you can use to teach your team, class, or clients how to design for more than human needs using non-human personas. This 23-page Workshop Kit PDF includes:
Facilitator Guide
- About the Workshop
- Workshop Agenda
- Workshop Map
- Preparation
- In-nature Rules
- Facilitating Instructions
- Sensory Environmental Connection Exercise
Participant Toolkit
- In-nature Rules
- Life-centred Design Mission
- Workshop Map
- Mini Ecosystem Study Canvas
- Mini LCD Brainstorm Canvas
- Mini LCD Proposal Canvas
- LCD Workflow Brainstorm Canvas
Take the lead
Lead the way by redesigning your products and business to reduce environmental and social harm and regenerate the people and environments your system relies on.
“The ideas really resonated with me as I’ve felt this growing unease with human centred design’s echo chamber”
“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”
“An amazing book about the topic.”
Take the lead
Lead the way by redesigning your products and business to reduce environmental and social harm and regenerate the people and environments your system relies on.

#2 Amazon Best Seller in Engineering Design, Dec ’22 (The Life-centred Design Guide)
“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”