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Our Framework

The LCD Lab’s Ethos is that Design should recognise and respect the needs
of all life (all peoples, planet, and animals), By upholding 3 design pillars in every project (Inclusive
& Pluriversal, Responsible & Aligned, and Sustainable & Regenerative), By zooming in and out
to attend to the project’s entire ecosystem (Local
& global, User & lifecycle, and Pasts
& Futures).

Our Framework

The LCD Lab’s Ethos is that Design should recognise and respect the needs
of all life (all peoples, planet, and animals), By upholding 3 design pillars in every project (Inclusive
& Pluriversal, Responsible & Aligned, and Sustainable & Regenerative), By zooming in and out
to attend to the project’s entire ecosystem (Local
& global, User & lifecycle, and Pasts
& Futures).

Designing to consider the 3 Interdependent life groups

All peoples

  • Target users
  • Non-users—Individuals, communities, and employees of organisations working within the product lifecycle
  • Invisible humans—individuals and communities not involved in the lifecycle but who are impacted by it
  • All human knowledge and ways of existing

All animals

Non-humans might include amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals of varying scales:

  • Animals of all sizes
  • Insects
  • Microbes
  • On land, sea, air, or underground
  • Domestic, livestock, captive, or wild
  • Whether ‘proven’ sentient or not

All planet

All planetary resources and ecosystems:

  • Vegetation (trees, forests,  swamps, etc.)
  • Water systems (oceans, lakes, rivers, freshwater)
  • Air
  • Soil
  • Climate
  • Landforms (mountains, hills, etc.)
  • Sunlight
  • Noise
  • Temperature

Aiming to uphold the 3 Design Pillars

** Our framework aligns with the ESG framework and supports ideation for your ESG commitments **

and regenerative


  • Ensuring the social, economic, and resource sustainability of the product lifecycle by extending material value and reducing waste
  • Zooming out to share prosperity with the ecosystem of the product/service lifecycle and to regenerate the sources of energy it takes from, nurturing resilience for all

and pluriversal


  • Broadening consideration of human experiences beyond what has been stereotyped as normal within the Euro-Western world
  • Zooming out to know and champion diverse ways of existing beyond the dominant Euro-Western-centric capitalistic, colonial, white supremacist, patriarchal, hierarchical, heterosexual, and cis culture

and Aligned

  • Align workplace values with life-centred purpose—from individual employee to business ownership—and embrace transparency and accountability to drive innovation
  • Convert product to service, distribute to localise, and utilise data to foster responsible stewardship of resources
  • Zoom out to align business goals with global goals and ally with the supply chain to nurture circular, regenerative, and just experience

Designing for your entire Ecosystem


  • Micro level— the individual user experience
  • Meso level— the service or business model
  • Macro level— the product’s lifecycle impact at a global or national level


Switching between design practices to work at all levels and attend to all actors


Honour alternate perspectives of the past and recognise possible futures to protect all past wisdom and future actors

Switching between Key Design Practices

  • Circular design
  • Inclusive design
  • Pluriversal design
  • Systems thinking
  • Distributed design
  • Sustainable web design
  • Behavioural design
  • Interspecies design
  • Biomimicry
  • Foresight
  • Human-centred design

Switching between Key Design Practices

11 Key Design Practices merge in life-centred design
  • Circular design
  • Inclusive design
  • Pluriversal design
  • Systems thinking
  • Distributed design
  • Sustainable web design
  • Behavioural design
  • Interspecies design
  • Biomimicry
  • Foresight
  • Human-centred design

Adopting new Mindsets

Life-centred Design Mindsets

Adopting new Mindsets

Life-centred Design Mindsets

Guided by the Compass

A ‘Double-Diamond’ diagram for life-centred design, capturing the scope of consideration and when to use the key practices.

The Life-centred Design Compass

Take the lead

Life-centred design aligns designers and businesses with global goals, and gives them the skills to respond to today’s wicked problems in practical and measurable ways.

#2 Amazon Best Seller in Engineering Design, Dec ’22

“The ideas really resonated with me as I’ve felt this growing unease with human centred design’s echo chamber”

“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”

“An amazing book about the topic.”

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We use eco-friendly web hosting

For every amperage this site pulls from the grid, GreenGeeks web hosting returns 3 times as much renewable energy to the grid—learn about green hosting.

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Damien Lutz, author of The Non-human Persona Guide, The Life-centred Design Guide, and Future Scouting

We replenish what we use

A percentage of profits from design guides by Damien Lutz are donated to to replace the trees used to create the books

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard.

Page accessibility rating
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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

Page accessibility rating
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

Page accessibility rating
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

Page accessibility rating
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

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I am the voice of the trees who were taken to make the product I speak from.

We, the trees, gave shade, clean air, homes for countless creatures, and the gift of oxygen for you to breathe. We cooled the earth, held the soil, and stored the carbon that would have otherwise harmed you.

Now, as a user of this product, you are part of this legacy, and a custodian of the things we once were. 

I ask you to honor the role we played for your planet. Where we are taken, help new trees rise, and protect those who still stand tall. Nurture them as they nurture you, for your future is rooted in our regeneration.

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