Discover impacts of a product lifecycle
Shuffle and flip the cards to explore who and what might be impacted by a product lifecycle
What’s the impact of a product’s true lifecycle?
As designers and product creators, we are not just producing new consumables for humans, we are creating new members and influencers of many ecosystems that affect many living non-humans (land, water, air, animals, insects, etc).
We are not just producing an item with a lifecycle defined by human use, but also by its sourcing, manufacturing, repair, the life of use, and breakdown.
- Where does the life of your product start?
- How long is it used, how is it disposed of, and how long does it take to breakdown?
- What non-users and non-humans are affected across all stages, and how do these affected non-humans affect those they come into contact with?
Use these cards to guide the design of new products or to assess the impact of existing ones.
Shuffle and flip to use as a random challenge to the design thinking, or go through each as you map out your service design blueprint.
Lead the way by redesigning your products and business to be:
- Values-driven
- Future-focused
- Life-centred
“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”
“The ideas really resonated with me as I’ve felt this growing unease with human centred design’s echo chamber”
“An amazing book about the topic.”