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The LCD Lab's Work

Life-centred design consulting, training, and presentations provided for teams, businesses, and schools, to start evolving their products, services, and businesses to be more sustainable, regenerative, and kinder to the planet

The LCD Lab's Work

Developing and promoting

A Life-centred Design Framework

A Life-centred Design Framework & Toolkit


From 2021-2022, I researched various design approaches that considered more than human and target user needs to summarise the emerging life-centred/planet-centric/environment-centred design movement. I spoke to experts and completed short courses in systems thinking, biomimicry, circular design for business, behavioural design, foresight and designing futures, and sustainable UX. From this I created a speculative framework and published this in The Life-centred Design Guide in 2021, along with the free toolkit.

The Life-centred Design Compass

The Life-centred Design Compass


To help convey the scope of life-centred design, I created the Life-centred Design Compass, a visual diagram showing the scope of what to consider in life-centred design. I also created various interactive versions.

The Non-human Persona Framework

Non-human Persona Framework


To develop the creation and use of non-human personas, I interviewed designers from around the world who were using them, applied them to my LCD LAB, experimented with them in hypothetical projects, and gathered insights from their use in workshops with designers and students. In 2023 I published The Non-human Persona Guide with the free Backpack of templates and resources, along with the Non-human Persona Course and Library.

Life-centred Design Tools

From 2022

Through research and experimentation, I have developed and shared over thirty design tools with a non-commercial license for others to remix and reshare.

A Life-centred Design Web Style Guide

A Life-centred Digital Style Guide


Just like accessibility, life-centred digital design is easier to implement if it is embedded in a style guide. To develop life-centred digital design, I proposed four considerations for a LCD style guide—sustainability, accessibility, ethics, and diversity—and published a proposed starting point for others to take and develop further.

Logo for Medium Blog Site

Sharing research, experiments, tools, and other practitioners

2022 to present

The logo for the Life-centred Design Collective

Co-founded ‘Life-centred Design Collective’


Gathering designers from around the world who were exploring life-centred design, I co-founded the ‘Life-centred Design Collective’ with these great people to further promote and develop life-centred design.

Life-centred Design research paper called Reflections on the Usefulness and Limitations of Tools for Life-centred Design

Producing Research Papers with Academics

From 2024

I have co-authored two academic research papers to develop the LCD process and promote community awareness and adoption.

2024, LCD Research Paper —”Reflections on the Usefulness and Limitations of Tools for Life-Centred Design”

2024, NHP Research Paper —”More-than-human proxies in Environment Futures: Implementing post-humanist imaginaries in speculative practices” (Published in early 2025)

Talks, Panels, & Lectures

The Design For Good logo

Introducing LCD for RCA & Design For Good Academy

Global workshop | November, 2023

I was honoured to be invited to the Design For Good Academy to present life-centred design and non-human personas as a toolkit for innovating solutions in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with other speakers like Don Norman, and Daniel Christian Wahl.


A screen showing Damien lutz as the Module 3 leader for the Design for Good Academy 2024 cohort.

Life-centred design and climate adaptation

Sydney, Workshop | November, 2023
I was honoured to be invited to the AdaptNSW 2023 Forum to present life-centred design as a toolkit to assist with adapting to climate change by exploring how human spaces could be redesigned to also nurture urban wildlife to support world biodiversity.


Damien Lutz presenting life-centred design at Adapt New South Wales 2023 Forum
'The Potential of Life-centred Design' talk with RMIT students

Introducing LCD to students of business

Sydney, Workshop | November, 2023

I was honoured to be invited as a Guest Speaker by RMIT to speak to Business Innovation students who had just completed a human-centred module, to introduce them to how life-centred design expands human-centred design, with a focus on ESG commitments and digital strategies.

Introducing LCD to a banking design team

Sydney, Presentation | 2022

Consumers and business are getting more serious about sustainability and design for good. But how do design teams get there? I was asked to share my research for The Life-centred Design Guide with the awesome innovation team and business stakeholders at ING.

Discussing ‘Delivering Innovation’ for UXDX

Global, Panel | Aug 2022

Everyone is searching for innovation but there are many things that can push back against new and experimental ideas. In this UXDX panel, I helped explore the different challenges facing governments, startups and large enterprises and what teams can do to foster innovation in their organisations.



Judging student innovation

Sydney, Student Awards | Oct 2022

Hosted by the Innovation Hub, the Student Innovation Awards recognise University of Sydney students’ innovative solutions for real-world impact. I had the honour of helping judge the Planetary Impact submissions, projects that blew my mind with the potential to help the planet and society!

Looking for life-centred design presentation?

Talks & lectures

The Design For Good logo

Introducing LCD for RCA & Design For Good Academy

Global workshop | November, 2023

I was honoured to be invited to the Design For Good Academy to present life-centred design and non-human personas as a toolkit for innovating solutions in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with other speakers like Don Norman, and Daniel Christian Wahl.


A screen showing Damien lutz as the Module 3 leader for the Design for Good Academy 2024 cohort.

Life-centred design and climate adaptation

Sydney, Workshop | November, 2023
I was honoured to be invited to the AdaptNSW 2023 Forum to present life-centred design as a toolkit to assist with adapting to climate change, and then workshopping with 50 climate professionals about how human spaces could be redesigned to also nurture urban wildlife to support world biodiversity.


Damien Lutz presenting life-centred design at Adapt New South Wales 2023 Forum
'The Potential of Life-centred Design' talk with RMIT students

Introducing LCD to students of business

Sydney, Workshop | November, 2023

I was honoured to be invited as a Guest Speaker by RMIT to speak to Business Innovation students who had just completed a human-centred module, to introduce them to how life-centred design expands human-centred design, with a focus on ESG commitments and digital strategies.

Introducing LCD to a banking design team

Sydney, Presentation | 2022

Consumers and business are getting more serious about sustainability and design for good. But how do design teams get there? I was asked to share my research for The Life-centred Design Guide with the awesome innovation team and business stakeholders at ING.

Looking for life-centred design presentation?

Training & Workshops

Introducing non-human personas and biomimicry to students in a forest classroom

Milan, Italy | Jun 2024

I was honoured to be invited by the Politecnico di Milano University in Milan, Italy, to support a week-long student assignment to redesign the relationship between the University and the neighbouring forest by teaching non-human personas and biomimicry.


Introducing life-centred design and non-human personas in Portugal at NOVA School of Business and Economics

Introducing LCD and Ecosystem mapping to students and sponsors in Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal | April 2024
I was honoured to be invited to the NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, Portugal, to present life-centred design, and then to run a workshop with 44 participants to use ecosystem mapping to explore the environmental and social impacts of everyday and luxury products.


Damien Lutz talks in front of a crowd of workshop participants—"Let's design our products, businesses, and systems to be more like trees—powered by renewables, reusing waste, and benefiting many."

“More Than Human Sydney”—Life-centred design and climate adaptation

Sydney, Workshop | November, 2023
I was honoured to be invited to the AdaptNSW 2023 Forum to present life-centred design as a toolkit to assist with adapting to climate change, and then workshopping with 50 climate professionals about how human spaces could be redesigned to also nurture urban wildlife to support world biodiversity.


Damien Lutz presenting life-centred design at Adapt New South Wales 2023 Forum
'Life-centred Futures' talk and workshop with University of Sydney Design Students

Introducing LCD to students of responsible innovation

Sydney, Australia | October 2022

Invited as a Guest Lecturer by The Responsible Design for Innovation course at The University of Sydney, with Phil Gough, my on-site lecture introduced students to strategies for tackling complex problems with responsible, regenerative, and inclusive innovation for products, services and processes by fostering inclusion and regenerative design practices. The students created non-human and non-user personas, and explored how to use data to life-centre their designs.


Designing life-centred future products with non-human personas

Sydney, Australia | June 2022

As a guest workshop facilitator for Speculative Design Sydney, I introduced participants to life-centred thinking via a workshop set in 2030, where participants designed with AI, future tech, life-centred design, and a non-human persona to speculate a future life-centred version of an everyday product. In four teams, we explored a future world that prioritises repairing and reusing over making new things by designing a future, life-centred version of mattresses, a ubiquitous product that uses a lot of resources and creates a lot of landfill.


Logo for Speculative Futures Sydney

Designing life-centred future products with futurists from around the world

Global, Workshop | 2021

In 2021 I was invited to facilitate Future Scouting® for the Speculative Futures Sydney Meetup with players from around the world. Future Scouting has since been played in the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Australia, and it received a Notable Design Education Initiative Award in the Core 77 Design Awards 2021.


Damien Lutz at a monitor facilitating his Future Scouting game
Feedback from students of Damien Lutz's future design product workshop
'The Futures of Design' talk and workshop with Woolies X Design team

Introducing LCD to a supermarket design team

Sydney, Australia | Aug 2022

Invited by the Wollies X Design Team as a Guest Lecturer, I shared life-centred design, foresight and speculative design. In a follow-up session, I took the designers through a workshop about connecting their design projects to the SDGs, and a ‘decentering’ exercise to use their privileges as design powers to help others.


Designers mapping their privileges and turning them into powers for good

Introducing values-driven design to futurist students

Sydney, Australia | 2021

Guest lecturing a class for the ECHOs Designing Futures course, I had a lot of fun guiding students through my Future Scouting Rapid Future Product Design method to design future values-driven products based on advanced technology. The method incorporates speculative design and life-centred design.


Speculative Design workshop slide 1

Looking for life-centred design training or workshops?

Training & Workshops

Introducing life-centred design and non-human personas in Portugal at NOVA School of Business and Economics

Introducing LCD and Ecosystem mapping to students and sponsors in Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal | April 2024
I was honoured to be invited to the NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, Portugal, to present life-centred design, and then to run a workshop with 44 participants to use ecosystem mapping to explore the environmental and social impacts of everyday and luxury products.


Damien Lutz talks in front of a crowd of workshop participants—"Let's design our products, businesses, and systems to be more like trees—powered by renewables, reusing waste, and benefiting many."

Life-centred design and climate adaptation

Sydney, Workshop | November, 2023

I was honoured to be invited to the AdaptNSW 2023 Forum to present life-centred design as a toolkit to assist with adapting to climate change, and then workshopping with 50 climate professionals about how human spaces could be redesigned to also nurture urban wildlife to support world biodiversity.


'Life-centred Futures' talk and workshop with University of Sydney Design Students

Introducing LCD to students of responsible innovation

Sydney, Australia | October 2022

Invited as a Guest Lecturer by The Responsible Design for Innovation course at The University of Sydney, with Phil Gough, my on-site lecture introduced students to strategies for tackling complex problems with responsible, regenerative, and inclusive innovation for products, services and processes by fostering inclusion and regenerative design practices. The students created non-human and non-user personas, and explored how to use data to life-centre their designs.


Exploring life-centred design in the future

Sydney, Australia | June 2022

As a guest workshop facilitator for Speculative Design Sydney, I introduced participants to life-centred thinking via a workshop set in 2030, where participants designed with AI, future tech, life-centred design, and a non-human persona to speculate a future life-centred version of an everyday product. In four teams, we explored a future world that prioritises repairing and reusing over making new things by designing a future, life-centred version of mattresses, a ubiquitous product that uses a lot of resources and creates a lot of landfill. 


Logo for Speculative Futures Sydney

Designing life-centred future products with futurists from around the world

Global, Workshop | 2021

In 2021 I was invited to facilitate Future Scouting® for the Speculative Futures Sydney Meetup with players from around the world. Future Scouting has since been played in the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Australia, and it received a Notable Design Education Initiative Award in the Core 77 Design Awards 2021.


Damien Lutz at a monitor facilitating his Future Scouting game
'The Futures of Design' talk and workshop with Woolies X Design team

Introducing LCD to a supermarket design team

Sydney, Australia | Aug 2022

Invited by the Wollies X Design Team as a Guest Lecturer, I shared life-centred design, foresight and speculative design. In a follow-up session, I took the designers through a workshop about connecting their design projects to the SDGs, and a ‘decentering’ exercise to use their privileges as design powers to help others.


Designers mapping their privileges and turning them into powers for good

Introducing values-driven design to futurist students

Sydney, Australia | 2021

Guest lecturing a class for the ECHOs Designing Futures course, I had a lot of fun guiding students through my Future Scouting Rapid Future Product Design method to design future values-driven products based on advanced technology. The method incorporates speculative design and life-centred design.


Speculative Design workshop slide 1

Looking for life-centred design training or workshops?



Incorporating non-human personas into two curriculums

Sydney, Australia | 2023

I was invited to work with The University of Technology Sydney to incorporate Non-human personas in both the Centre for Compassionate Conservation and the Transdisciplinary Design School

Looking for a life-centred design consultant?



Incorporating non-human personas into two curriculums

Sydney, Australia | 2023

I was invited to work with The University of Technology Sydney to incorporate Non-human personas in both the Centre for Compassionate Conservation and the Transdisciplinary Design School

Looking for a life-centred design consultant?

Design Projects

Urban Design

Introducing non-human personas and biomimicry in Milan, Italy
AdaptNSW workshop

Digital Design

How might Instagram use its predictive algorithm to reduce e-waste?
How might a small business be a force for sustainability and kindness?
How might e-commerce encourage sustainable shopping?
How might we design websites to use less energy and produce less carbon?
How might UX Designers use a non-human persona for Nature?

Industrial Design

How might a mattress manufacturer regenerate the river systems it impacts?
How might a small business be a force for sustainability and kindness?

Design Projects

Urban Design

Introducing non-human personas and biomimicry in Milan, Italy
AdaptNSW workshop

Digital Design

How might Instagram use its predictive algorithm to reduce e-waste?
How might a small business be a force for sustainability and kindness?
How might e-commerce encourage sustainable shopping?
How might we design websites to use less energy and produce less carbon?
How might UX Designers use a non-human persona for Nature?

Industrial Design

How might a mattress manufacturer regenerate the river systems it impacts?
How might a small business be a force for sustainability and kindness?

Looking for design project support?

Art & Fiction

A wall sculpture made from urban house waste, with eh words "Earth Tongue, Land Unfill #1—A multi-specie communication device from the future"

Creating life-centred design fictions from artworks made from waste

Sydney | Sep, 2024

Experimenting and mixing disciplines is important to the Life-centred Design Lab. With the Land Unfill artwork series, we created artworks from urban waste and then storified them as things from the future (‘design fictions’) to imagine life-centred futures. “Waste inspiring art, 
inspiring life-centred futures”

The science/climate fiction novel, The Lenz

“The Lenz”, a science/climate fiction novel

Published 2019

How might advanced mixed reality evolve in a future impacted by rising sea levels and forced migration? Will it help connect us with each other and the planet, or will we use it as a filter to see less of what we don’t want to see? 

Art & Fiction

Creating life-centred design fictions from artworks made from waste

Sydney | Sep, 2024

Experimenting and mixing disciplines is important to the Life-centred Design Lab. With the Land Unfill artwork series, we created artworks from urban waste and then storified them as things from the future (‘design fictions’) to imagine life-centred futures. “Waste inspiring art, 
inspiring life-centred futures”

The science/climate fiction novel, The Lenz

“The Lenz”, a science/climate fiction novel

Published 2019

How might advanced mixed reality evolve in a future impacted by rising sea levels and forced migration? Will it help connect us with each other and the planet, or will we use it as a filter to see less of what we don’t want to see? 

Tell me about your needs and I'll arrange a chat with you shortly!

Take the lead

Lead the way by redesigning your products and business to reduce environmental and social harm and regenerate the people and environments your system relies on.

“The ideas really resonated with me as I’ve felt this growing unease with human centred design’s echo chamber”

“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”

“An amazing book about the topic.”

Two books standing on and angle, The Non-human Persona Guide and The Life-centred Design Guide

#2 Amazon Best Seller in Engineering Design, Dec ’22 (The Life-centred Design Guide)

Take the lead

Lead the way by redesigning your products and business to reduce environmental and social harm and regenerate the people and environments your system relies on.

Two books standing on and angle, The Non-human Persona Guide and The Life-centred Design Guide

#2 Amazon Best Seller in Engineering Design, Dec ’22 (The Life-centred Design Guide)

“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”

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Damien Lutz, author of The Non-human Persona Guide, The Life-centred Design Guide, and Future Scouting

We replenish what we use

A percentage of profits from design guides by Damien Lutz are donated to to replace the trees used to create the books

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

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The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard.

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More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

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Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
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Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

This will close in 0 seconds aims to be low carbon, inclusive, and regenerative

This site's hosting is green

This website runs on green hosting - verified by
Energy used by the web hosting servers is offset by 3 times as much renewable energy returned to the grid

We're planting trees!
The number in the site's top bar shows how many we've planted

To regenerate trees used to make our books, we donate a percentage of printed book sales to

Page CO2 emissions
Shown for high-traffic pages only

Sustainable web strategies are used to reduce page load emissions.
The current industry standard is 0.8g/page view—all pages aim to be less than the standard

Page accessibility rating
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Pages are designed for accessible use and rated out of 100

More about our commitments

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I am the voice of the trees who were taken to make the product I speak from.

We, the trees, gave shade, clean air, homes for countless creatures, and the gift of oxygen for you to breathe. We cooled the earth, held the soil, and stored the carbon that would have otherwise harmed you.

Now, as a user of this product, you are part of this legacy, and a custodian of the things we once were. 

I ask you to honor the role we played for your planet. Where we are taken, help new trees rise, and protect those who still stand tall. Nurture them as they nurture you, for your future is rooted in our regeneration.

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