How might urban forests and human spaces coexist?
The LCD Lab was invited to Politecnico University in Milan to provide tools and guidance to students designing coexistence between their university and a neighbouring forest
Redesigning The Line
A 25 minute documentary
About the project
Forest La Goccia is a spontaneous urban forest in Milan reclaiming an abandoned industrial site, and now absorbs more carbon than London’s Hyde Park.
The Forest’s neighbour, Politecnico University needs more space for more students and is expanding.
Fabio Di Liberto, a professor of Politecnico for 17 years, invited the Life-centred Design Lab to support a 5-day design workshop with the students from within the forest and the classroom to explore how the university’s expansion could be redesigned to respect the needs of both the university and the young forest.
See how we can help you
Talks, workshops, consulting and more to start embedding life-centred design into your workflow

Take the lead
Lead the way by redesigning your products and business to reduce environmental and social harm and regenerate the people and environments your system relies on.
“The ideas really resonated with me as I’ve felt this growing unease with human centred design’s echo chamber”
“Super helpful tools for designers… I’ll be sharing them with the students.”
“An amazing book about the topic.”